


Kon­fe­renz­bei­träge und pu­bli­zierte Abs­tracts

Gra­bow­ski, J., Brink­haus, M. & Hen­ne­cke, V. (2016, ac­cep­ted). The im­pact of lin­gu­is­tic mi­gra­tion back­ground on abi­li­ties re­le­vant for wri­ting com­pe­tence. 15th SIG Wri­ting Con­fe­rence, Li­ver­pool (UK).

Wilms­meier, S., Be­cker-Mrot­zek, M., Brink­haus, M., Gra­bow­ski, J. & Hen­ne­cke, V. (2016, ac­cep­ted). Sup­por­ting wri­ting com­pe­tence by per­spec­tive ta­king and co­he­rence crea­tion skills: An in­ter­ven­tion study. 15th SIG Wri­ting Con­fe­rence, Li­ver­pool (UK).

Be­cker-Mrot­zek., Brink­haus, M., Gra­bow­ski, J., Hen­ne­cke, V., Jost, J. & Wilms­meier, S. (2016). Ab­wei­chun­gen von er­war­te­ten Zu­sam­men­hän­gen zwi­schen Schreib­kom­pe­tenz und re­le­van­ten Teil­fä­hig­kei­ten. 4. Ta­gung der Ge­sell­schaft für Em­pi­ri­sche Bil­dungs­for­schung, Ber­lin.

Jost, J., Be­cker-Mrot­zek, M., Gra­bow­ski., J., Brink­haus, M., Hen­ne­cke, V. & Wilms­meier, S. (2016). Ana­ly­ti­sche und ho­lis­ti­sche Ra­ting­ver­fah­ren zur Be­stim­mung von Text­qua­li­tät als In­di­ka­tor für Schreib­kom­pe­tenz. 4. Ta­gung der Ge­sell­schaft für Em­pi­ri­sche Bil­dungs­for­schung, Ber­lin.

Hen­ne­cke, V., Brink­haus, M. & Gra­bow­ski, J. (2015). Teil­kom­po­nen­ten der Schreib­kom­pe­tenz – Dia­gnose und In­ter­ven­tion. 15. Fach­grup­pen­ta­gung Päd­ago­gi­sche Psy­cho­lo­gie, Kas­sel.

Brink­haus, M., Gra­bow­ski, J. & Lawo, V. (2015). Un­ter­richt­li­che För­de­rung von Schreib­kom­pe­tenz. For­schungs­kol­lo­quium, In­sti­tut für Päd­ago­gi­sche Psy­cho­lo­gie, Leib­niz Uni­ver­si­tät Han­no­ver.

Koch, I., Kreutz­feldt, M., Lawo, V., & Ste­phan, D. N. (2015). De­com­po­sing task set: Ex­plo­ring co­gni­tive con­trol in at­ten­tion and per­cep­tion-ac­tion map­ping using task swit­ching. 19th mee­ting of the Eu­ropean So­ciety of Co­gni­tive Pscho­logy (ESCoP), Pa­phos, Zy­pern.

Koch, I. & Lawo, V. (2014). The re­la­tive be­ne­fit of spa­tial au­ditory selec­tion over non-spa­tial selec­tion is off­set in un­pre­pa­red at­ten­tion swit­ches: Evi­dence from an ex­pli­cit at­ten­tion-swit­ching pa­ra­digm. In A. C. Schutz, K. Drewing, & K. R. Ge­gen­furt­ner (Eds.), Abs­tracts of the 56th Con­fe­rence of Ex­pe­ri­men­tal Psy­cho­lo­gists, 142, Len­ge­rich: Pabst Schience Pu­blishers.

Lawo, V. & Koch, I. (2014). Ex­ami­ning re­sponse-re­la­ted pro­ces­ses in au­ditory at­ten­tion swit­ching. In A. C. Schutz, K. Drewing, & K. R. Ge­gen­furt­ner (Eds.), Abs­tracts of the 56th Con­fe­rence of Ex­pe­ri­men­tal Psy­cho­lo­gists, 158, Len­ge­rich: Pabst Sci­ence Pu­blishers.

Lawo, V. & Koch, I. (2013). The role of re­sponse de­mands in au­ditory task swit­ching. In Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety (Ed.), Abs­tracts of the Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety: 54th An­nual Mee­ting of the Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety (p. 255). Aus­tin (TX, USA): Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety Pu­bli­ca­ti­ons.

Koch, I. &  Lawo, V. (2013). No tem­po­ral dis­si­pa­tion of at­ten­tion set­tings in au­ditory task swit­ching. In Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety (Ed.), Abs­tracts of the Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety: 54th An­nual Mee­ting of the Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety (p. 255). Aus­tin (TX, USA): Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety Pu­bli­ca­ti­ons.

Lawo, V. & Koch, I. (2013). Do el­derly per­form worse when in­ten­tio­nally swit­ching au­ditory at­ten­tion in cock­tail-party si­tua­ti­ons? Jour­nal of Psy­cho­phy­sio­logy, 27 (Suppl. 1), 31.

Fels, J., Obe­rem, J., Karn­bach, B., Lawo, V., & Koch, I. (2013). Com­pa­ri­son of di­cho­tic and bin­aural re­pro­duc­tion in an ex­pe­ri­ment on selec­tive au­di­tive at­ten­tion. Pro­cee­dings of the In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­fe­rence on Acoustics, 1286-1289.

Lawo, V., Fels, J., Obe­rem, J., & Koch, I. (2013). Ex­plo­ring the in­flu­ence of re­sponse de­mands on au­ditory at­ten­tion swit­ching. 18th Mee­ting of the Eu­ropean So­ciety for Co­gni­tive Psy­cho­logy (ESCOP 2013), Bu­da­pest, Un­garn.

Lawo, V. & Koch, I. (2013). Au­di­tive se­lek­tive Auf­merk­sam­keit: Wel­chen Ein­fluss hat die Ant­wort­an­for­de­rung im Auf­merk­sam­keits­wech­sel? 2. Dok­to­ran­den-Work­shop „All­ge­meine Psy­cho­lo­gie“, Trier. [Pos­ter]

Lawo, V., & Koch, I. (2013). Au­ditory task swit­ching: Ex­plo­ring in­ten­tio­nal con­trol of au­ditory selec­tive at­ten­tion. U. An­sorge, E. Kirch­ler, K. Lamm, & H. Le­der (Eds.), TeaP 2013 Abs­tracts of the 55th Con­fe­rence of Ex­pe­ri­men­tal Psy­cho­lo­gists (S. 165) Len­ge­rich: Pabst Sci­ence Pu­blishers.

Fels, J., Ma­siero, B., Obe­rem, J., Lawo, V., & Koch, I. (2012). Ex­pe­ri­ments on co­gni­tive per­for­mance using bin­aural sti­muli. INTER-NOISE 2012, the 41th In­ter­na­tio­nal Con­gress and Ex­po­si­tion on Noise Con­trol En­gi­nee­ring, 271.

Lawo, V., & Koch, I. (2012). Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal ap­proa­ches to au­ditory selec­tive at­ten­tion. Pro­jekt Leo­nardo, „Acousti­cal, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and so­cial sci­ence ap­proa­ches to noise ef­fects“, Aa­chen.

Fels, J., Ma­siero, B., Obe­rem, J., Lawo, V., & Koch, I. (2012). Per­for­mance of bin­aural tech­no­logy for au­ditory selec­tive at­ten­tion. Jour­nal of the Acousti­cal So­ciety of Ame­rica, 131, 3317. doi:10.1121/1.4708412

Lawo, V. (2012). In­ten­tio­na­les Wech­seln der au­di­tiven se­lek­ti­ven Auf­merk­sam­keit: Stu­dien zum di­cho­ti­schen Hö­ren. 1st PhD Sum­mer School Co­gni­tive Psy­cho­logy), Würz­burg.

Lawo, V., & Koch, I. (2012). Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal ap­proa­ches to au­ditory selec­tive at­ten­tion. Noise, Co­gni­tion, & Health, Aa­chen.

Lawo, V., Fels, J., Masiero,B., Phil­ipp, A. M., & Koch, I. (2012). Selec­tive at­ten­tion in the cock­tail party: Bi­lin­gual speech com­pre­hen­sion in di­cho­tic lis­ten­ing. In A. Brö­der, E. Erd­fel­der, B. E. Hil­big, T. Mei­ser, R. F. Pohl, & D. Stahl­berg (Hrsg.), TeaP 2012 Mann­heim – Abs­tracts (S.193). Len­ge­rich: Pabst Sci­ence Pu­blishers.

Koch, I., Lawo, V., Fels, J., & Vor­län­der, M. (2011). Swit­ching in the cock­tail party: Ex­plo­ring in­ten­tio­nal con­trol of au­ditory selec­tive At­ten­tion. Abs­tracts of the Psy­cho­no­mic So­ciety, 16, 184.

Lawo, V., Phil­ipp, A. M., Schuch, S., & Koch, I. (30. Ok­to­ber 2011). Is the abi­lity to pre­pare for a task im­pai­red in old age? Evi­dence from a task-swit­ching study. 17th mee­ting of the Eu­ropean So­ciety for Co­gni­tive Psy­cho­logy (ESCOP 2011), Dono­s­tia – San Se­bas­tián, Spa­nien.

Lawo, V., Phil­ipp, A. M., Schuch, S., & Koch, I. (2011). Age-Re­la­ted Pre­pa­ra­tory De­fi­cits in Task Swit­ching. Jour­nal of Psy­cho­phy­sio­logy, 25 (Suppl. 1), 39–40. doi:10.1027/0269-8803/a000056

Lawo, V., & Koch, I. (2011). In­ten­tio­na­les Wech­seln der au­di­tiven se­lek­ti­ven Auf­merk­sam­keit in jun­gen und äl­te­ren Er­wach­se­nen. In K. Bitt­rich, S. Blan­ken­ber­ger, & J. Lu­kas (Hrsg.), Bei­träge zur 53. Ta­gung ex­pe­ri­men­tell ar­bei­ten­der Psy­cho­lo­gen (S. 103). Len­ge­rich: Pabst Sci­ence Pu­blishers.

Lawo, V., Phil­ipp, A. M., Schuch, S., & Koch, I. (2010). In­hi­bi­ti­ons­de­fi­zit im Al­ter? – Be­funde aus Auf­ga­ben­wech­sel­stu­dien. In C. Frings, A. Meck­lin­ger, D. Wen­tura, H. Zim­mer (Hrsg.), Bei­träge zur 52. Ta­gung ex­pe­ri­men­tell ar­bei­ten­der Psy­cho­lo­gen (S. 169). Len­ge­rich: Pabst Sci­ence Pu­blishers.

Horn, J., Bal­zer, C., Fels, J., Vor­län­der, M., Koch, I., Lawo, V., Dott, W., & Silny, J. (2010). Health ef­fect of chro­nic noise and air pol­lu­tion in child­ren in re­la­tion to so­cio-de­mo­gra­phic dif­fe­ren­ces. Mo­dern En­vi­ron­ment and Pu­blic Health, Brüs­sel, Bel­gien.

Horn, J., Bal­zer, C., Fels, J., Vor­län­der, M., Koch, I., Lawo, V., Dott, W., & Silny, J. (2010). Health ef­fect of chro­nic noise and air pol­lu­tion in child­ren in re­la­tion to so­cio-de­mo­gra­phic dif­fe­ren­ces. En­vi­ron­men­tal health and so­cial vul­nera­bi­li­ties, Na­mur, Bel­gien.

Horn, J., Mi­chael, S., Fels, J., Vor­län­der, M., Koch, I., Lawo, V., Dott, W., & Silny, J. (2010). Health ef­fects of chro­nic noise pol­lu­tion in child­ren. 4. Jah­res­ta­gung der Ge­sell­schaft für Hy­giene, Um­welt­me­di­zin und Prä­ven­tiv­me­di­zin, Aa­chen.

Horn, J., Hüls­meier, L., Fels, J., Vor­län­der, M., Koch, I., Lawo, V., Dott, W., & Silny, J. (2010). Health ef­fects of chro­nic noise ex­po­sure in child­ren in a chan­ging en­vi­ron­ment: A mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary re­se­arch ap­proach. 10th Ur­ban En­vi­ron­ment Sym­po­sium: Ur­ban Fu­tures for a Sustainable World, Gö­te­borg, Schwe­den.

Horn, J., Hüls­meier, L., Fels, J., Vor­län­der, M., Koch, I., Lawo, V., Dott, W., & Silny, J. (2010). Health ef­fects of chro­nic noise ex­po­sure in child­ren in a chan­ging en­vi­ron­ment: A mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary re­se­arch ap­proach. Fifth Mi­nis­te­rial Con­fe­rence on En­vi­ron­ment and Health „Pro­tec­ting children’s health in a chan­ging en­vi­ron­ment“, Parma, Ita­lien.

Koch, I., Lawo, V., & Vor­län­der, M. (2009). Wech­sel des Se­lek­ti­ons­kri­te­ri­ums: In­ter­fe­renz­ef­fekte in der au­di­to­ri­schen se­lek­ti­ven Auf­merk­sam­keit. In A. B. Eder, K. Ro­ther­mund, S. R. Schwein­ber­ger, M. C. Stef­fens, H. Wiese (Hrsg.), Bei­träge zur 51. Ta­gung ex­pe­ri­men­tell ar­bei­ten­der Psy­cho­lo­gen (S. 59). Len­ge­rich: Pabst Sci­ence Pu­blishers.

Koch, I., Lawo, V., & Vor­län­der, M. (2009). Swit­ching au­ditory selec­tive at­ten­tion in di­cho­tic lis­ten­ing. 16th mee­ting of the Eu­ropean So­ciety for Co­gni­tive Psy­cho­logy, Kra­kau, Po­len.

Lawo, V., We­ge­ner, I., Phil­ipp, A. M., & Koch, I. (2009). Ex­ami­ning age-re­la­ted in­hi­bitory de­fi­cits in task swit­ching.  Work­shop „Life­span De­ve­lop­ment of Exe­cu­tive Con­trol“, Saar­brü­cken.